
Minutes tick by, and then they turn into hours. I lie on my bed feeling my naked skin cooling down one degree per tick, tick, tick. Eventually: my skin is ice to the touch, even if it’s not cold outside. Hunger grips my stomach, then my heart, my head. My brain throws irrational accusations that […]

S & S, this is for you.

There is a girl. As my train crosses the Charles over 17000 miles away, and I gaze at lights luminously reinforcing that my own path has strayed far, far; I’ve built my own destiny: more than enough to know she doesn’t matter to me. At last, I’m done where she’s only begun. Poor girl, poor […]


She croons: “Who do you think you are?” Her voice is like cream liquor poured over smooth, sunny wheat that tells me; like long stretches of Nevada highway, like staring into a stranger’s eyes, like swilling beer while trumpets trill, that it’s time to move on.